story of The Temple of Thutmes III in luxor

Men-cheper-Re, Thutmose III (1425 BC. M.) Was the sixth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and is one of the greatest rulers of Egypt throughout history. Thutmose II died, leaving the throne to his son, Thutmose III, who was not old has exceeded six. The Hatshepsut, an aunt and his father's wife at the same time, the inauguration itself the guardian of the throne of King Thutmose III small. Two years later, the self-proclaimed queen of the throne and ruled for twenty years. Then disappeared, and ascended the throne of Tuthmosis III and his father 

Thutmes III

Built Tuthmosis III at Thebes many temples, including temples, one next to the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, and has built Albwabtan giant sixth, seventh and concert hall in the temple of Karnak and completed to build a temple Habo initiated by Hatshepsut, and established a temple of the god Ptah in his home in Memphis, and contains the temple three rooms the first of Ptah and the second Hathor, goddess of good and the third for his god Sekhmet wife Petah as represented by the statue with the head of a lioness Iatlah disk of the sun, and has a temple in the term and obesity, and established a temple in Elephantine of God Sataat, and has effects in Kom Ombo and Edfu, Ain Shams and Armant.
Tomb of Tuthmosis III in the Valley of the Kings.
Part of the Book of the Dead at the walls of the tomb of Thutmose III, KV34, in the Valley of the Kings.

Established Tuthmosis III at least seven obelisks, most is now in a number of the capitals of the world, including the obelisk in London (is one of the Mslten ordains Tuthmosis III in front of Temple of the Sun Bahleopolas was transferred engineer Grecian called Bntios to Alexandria to Aodaa front of the Temple of Isis, has fallen this obelisk over the base during the fourteenth century AD, is said to Mohammed Ali Pasha donated to Britain in 1831, but did not arrive to London only in 1878, where it remained lying on the ground throughout that time for not being able to move so as to ensure the costs of transfer traffic Erzms Wilson, he made a special ship to transport them, and the ship was on its way to return a result of the sinking of the storm in the Bay of Biscay and the obelisk but were rescued and arrived safely.

It is worth mentioning that this obelisk has suffered a scratched fragments of bombs during the Second World War on the River Thames, known as the needle of Cleopatra, which was Tuthmosis had erected in front of the Temple of Ain Shams, and Obelisk other is currently in Istanbul is one of the Mslten ordains Tuthmosis before the edifice VII (gate great ) Temple of Karnak has moved Emperor Theodoros 510 m, and in fact represents only the upper part of the obelisk of the obelisk was originally much longer than any obelisk now exist.

And has an obelisk other existing in New York hosted by Tuthmosis in front of Temple of the Sun This obelisk and obelisk London twins, a list is now in Central Park, also ordered Tuthmosis in the late days that are held obelisk in front of monument VIII from the Temple of Karnak, but not completed because of his death, and left in place for 35 years to be found Tuthmosis IV and erected in the place which they are intended to him and are now in Rome in front of the Church of St. John Ballatyran, by Constantine the Great King of the state Alrmanih the transfer of this obelisk, which weighs 455 tons, to Alexandria in 330 AD to be sent to Byzantium to beautify his new capital, but failed to transfer stayed and remained in place for 27 years until his son Kstuntunaios moved to Rome and Oqmha in the field of Maxemas, In 1587, disclosed and found broken into three pieces Vtm repaired and restored by Domenico Fontana by order of Pope Scots fifth and erected in its place the current Allatyran the field, and also ordered to lift the cross on its summit, believing that this symbol of the victory of Christianity to the pagan

Destinations Information 
THE West bank          
Time to visit
WINTER  6 AM – 5 PM  ،  SUMMER  6 AM – 5 PM 
Cameras Allowed
The End Of Story 


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